Free Resources for Healthcare Professionals
There are a number of good, free, English language resources on the internet. All the resources listed here are ‘authentic’ materials written for healthcare professionals fluent in English. You can find some healthcare-related resources specifically for English language learners on other pages such as News and Current Affairs.
Listening and Shadowing
TEDMED This site, connected to the more famous TED Talks, provides short presentations on various aspects of health, information and technology. The site offers a short written introduction to each speaker and a summary of their talk. The video offers closed caption (CC) subtitles which you can turn on or off.
TED Talks This site offers talks on the subject of health and medicine.
ABC Health Report Short radio programmes from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
ABC All In The Mind Radio programmes on mental health matters from Australia.
BBC Inside Health Radio programmes on mental and physical health from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Business of Healthcare Podcasts on various health topics from National Public Radio (NPR) in America.
JJ Medicine makes videos teaching medical terminology.
Virginia Allum makes short videos on medical English for the OET test (see below).
Official OET produces masterclasses on aspects of the OET test (see below).
BBC Healthcare News This site is a round-up of recent articles on healthcare topics with a focus on the UK.
The Nursing Times This is a website and subscription magazine for nurses, published in the UK. It publishes daily news, opinion and research articles on all aspects of nursing.
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) This site offers news, research and podcasts on all aspects of medicine.
The Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) The site offers news and podcasts.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Offers research, opinion and news.
Medical News Today Offers medical information and news aimed at both professionals and the general public.
Psychology Today A magazine and website offering articles.
Neuroscience News Offering research articles on aspects of neuroscience.
NHS Inform This is site is from the UK National Health Service and provides health information and advice, self-help guides, information on tests and treatments, news and services aimed at the general public in the UK.
The OET (see below) offers a free mini course (45 minutes) in Clinical Communication, showcasing language and skills practice useful for the OET test.
The Occupational English Test (OET)
This is an international English language test for healthcare professionals. It is run by the Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust and is accepted by healthcare boards and councils around the world.
The OET website offers free introductory courses for Medicine, Nursing and Allied Healthcare professionals including Physiotherapists, Radiographers, Dieticians, Occupational Therapists, Dentists, Vets etc.
You can also find free practice test papers on the site, as well as migration guides and advice on working in English-speaking countries.
What are your favourite sites for medical English? I’d love to hear your feedback on these sites or suggestions of other sites you have found useful.