Study Strategies: Overview
What are Study Strategies?
Study strategies are techniques that you can use to improve your learning, understanding, and memory in any subject. Some of the strategies below come from the world of work and are recommended by some influential business people, others have been used for centuries in learning, and some are relatively new.
Experiment with Study Strategies
We are all individuals with different interests, needs and abilities. The strategies that help one person may not help another. A strategy that works for you in one context, may not work as well in another. It’s a good idea to try out different strategies and methods and see what works well for you. Personally, I believe that pretty much anyone can learn anything, what we often think of as our failure in learning, is actually a failure in the approach we take.
Study Strategies to Explore:
Creating Study Time: Start by creating regular times to study, to maximise your focus. Try:
Organising your Study Time: Once you have a time (and place) to study, you need to organise your time most effectively. Explore methods like the Pomodoro Technique, the Zeigarnik Effect, interleaved practice, and collaborative learning to structure your study sessions for maximum efficiency. Try:
Making Notes: Note-taking is a crucial aspect of learning any language. Discover techniques such as mind mapping, chunking, mnemonics, dual coding, handwriting vs. typing, and the SQ3R method to improve your note-taking skills and enhance your memory. Try:
Reviewing your Notes: Finally, regular review is key to learning. Techniques like spaced repetition, the Feynman Technique, and spaced repetition (yes, it’s so important it’s worth mentioning twice!) can help you reinforce your understanding and commit information to long-term memory. Try:
Let me know which strategies you like to use. Do you have any new techniques you can share?