Study Strategies: The Blurting Method


Blurt (verb) /blɜːt/ (also ‘blurt out‘)

To say something suddenly and without thinking, especially because you are excited or nervous.

Example: “Will you marry me?” he blurted.

                 She blurted it out before I could stop her.

Understanding the Blurting Method:

This method, also known as the “Blurt It Out” technique, is very similar to The Feynman Technique and Rubber Duck Debugging. It encourages learners to recall and verbalize language concepts, vocabulary, and grammar rules without relying on written notes or textbooks. By engaging in spontaneous and unscripted speech, learners strengthen their ability to recall information, internalize language patterns, and develop fluency.

How to Use the Blurting Method:

  1. Choose a Language Topic: Select a language topic or skill that you want to practice, such as vocabulary words, grammar rules, or conversational phrases.

  2. Verbalize Without Prompting: Begin by saying all the information you can remember about it without looking at written notes or prompts. Speak aloud as if you were explaining the concept to someone else.

  3. Review and Reflect: After verbalizing the information, take a moment to review and think about what you said. Pay attention to areas where you hesitated, stumbled, or struggled to recall information, it may help to record your ‘blurt’.

  4. Fill in the Gaps: Once you have identified gaps in your knowledge or areas where you need further practice, review the language topic in more detail and address any misunderstandings or uncertainties.

  5. Repeat and Refine: Continuously practice the Blurting Method by repeating the process for different language topics or skills. Each repetition strengthens your memory and reinforces language concepts, leading to greater fluency and proficiency over time.

Benefits of the Blurting Method:

  • Improved Recall: The Blurting Method enhances your ability to recall language concepts and vocabulary spontaneously, without relying on written prompts or cues.

  • Increased Fluency: By engaging in unscripted speech, learners develop fluency and confidence in expressing themselves in real-life situations.

  • Active Engagement: The Blurting Method encourages active engagement with language materials, fostering deeper learning and understanding.

  • Efficient Practice: This technique provides a structured yet flexible approach to language practice that can be easily integrated into daily study routines.

Incorporating the Blurting Method into Your Language Learning Routine:

To incorporate the Blurting Method into your EFL/ESL learning routine, consider the following tips:

  • Set aside dedicated time for Blurting sessions each day or week.
  • Practice Blurting with a language partner or tutor to receive feedback and support.
  • Record your Blurting sessions to track your progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Mix up the topics and skills you practice with the Blurting Method to keep your language learning experience varied and engaging.