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Ken, Japan, Academic English and Journalism

If you have any English problems, I think Sharn is the best doctor for you. She can diagnose your language troubles appropriately and offer you the well-designed lessons on the basis of proper prescription. I am a journalist in Japan and came to Brighton last summer. I was in need of improving my limited speaking and listening ability, but I had no idea about it at all.

She gave me lots of chance to practice the English listening. She often used the listening materials which were related to journalism, such as journalist’s talk, social problem reporting or parliamentary discussion. They were totally interesting and intellectual stimulating. I think she always choose the teaching materials based on student’s interest and this is why her lesson is always exciting, interesting and actually more than the mere English lesson.

In terms of speaking, she taught me many fundamental and practical pronunciation principles, which were very useful and many non-native speakers often fail to achieve. And also, we always had a discussion about everything…from British politics to the Advent candle! (In fact, I was always surprised that she had a wide range of interests…) It is true to say that this practice contributed a lot to the improvement of my speaking skill.

Therefore, I’m sure Sharn is one of the best teachers for the non-native speakers who want to improve their English. If you live in Brighton or Hove, she is the best. She also has a long experience of teaching academic English as well. If you are concerned about the writing or reading, she can help you for sure!

もし英語についてお困りでしたら、Sharn に相談するのが一番だと思いますよ。彼女は、あなたが抱えている問題を適切に診断し、それに見合ったオーダーメードのレッスンで応えてくれるでしょう。 私は日本で新聞記者をしており、昨年の夏にブライトンに来ました。仕事柄、「話す」「聞く」という二つのスキルをなんとか上げたいと考えていましたが、具体的に何をすればいいのか、さっぱり分からないのが実情でした。



英語を学ぼうとする非英語圏の人々にとって、Sharn は最高の教師の一人であると私は思っています。もしあなたがブライトン・ホーブに住んでいるのなら、彼女が最高の教師でしょう。彼女はアカデミックな英語の教授についても長い経験を有しています。もし「書く」「読む」に不安がおありでしたら、その点でも彼女は大きな助けになると思いますよ!

Ken, Journalist, Japan, 2013 – 2014